Training Environments

Coordinated Access provides training services on-site at your home or office, as well as through Remote Training.

Remote Training

Desktop Streaming tools allow Coordinated Access to bring our personalized training to you, over the Internet. You can attend your personalized training in the comfort of your own home or office, without the added expense of paying a specialist to travel to you. Remote Training allows us to bring the same quality of service to our customers in a faster, more cost-effective means.

During training, our Professionals can share their desktop with you in order to instantly demonstrate particular features of the software, or with your permission, activate remote control of your desktop; for fast problem resolution, or to guide you through specific computer tasks.

Note: The specific Desktop Streaming software used for training will vary by the application being training and streaming software permitted in your environment. Before scheduled training, the trainer will communicate with you and I.T. staff as needed, to ensure training can go smoothly.

On-Site Training

Note: With the current social distancing and work-from-home policies due to COVID-19, Coordinated Access has currently suspended on-site training, with few exceptions. Remote training is still available and on-site training can be considered on a case by case basis.

On-site training allows participants to learn in their own environment. Just as with our remote training, our on-location training programs are custom-designed to address your training requirements.

On-site training costs vary according to location, but include the training rate plus trainer travel costs.